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Shreveport PGA Golfer Angers Some With Hunting Pic and MAGA Hat

By Gary McCoy

Shreveport PGA Golfer Angers Some With Hunting Pic and MAGA Hat

PGA Golfer Sam Burns, originally from Shreveport, is accustomed to being in the headlines, but usually it's not for anything negative.

For those who might be unaware of the incredible things Sam has accomplished in his golf career, Burns was a three-time state champion in high school while he attended Calvary Baptist Academy and was named the AJGA Rolex Junior Player of the Year in 2014.

He's won five PGA Tour events, including back-to-back victories at the 2021 and 2022 Valspar Championships. So, yes, Sam Burns is a big name in golfing circles, and positive headlines about this young athlete abound.

However, it what he's recently done far from a golf course is that has brought him under attack.

His recent photo post on Instagram, featuring what many consider completely normal here in Louisiana, has caused some negative feedback from those unfamiliar with Louisiana life.

Pictured with a nice buck he had apparently just taken on a deer hunting trip while wearing a "MAGA" hat, has had more negative comments thrown at him than punches were thrown in the entire Tyson/Paul fight this past Friday night.

Comments like, "It would be sport if the deer had guns" and "Amazing. He killed an animal with a firearm, what a guy. Maybe should start by tipping the locker room/ players lounge employees to gain some respect from the older guys" took aim on Burns hunting prowess.

Others wanted to condemn his obvious support of President Trump and his MAGA hat by stating, "What a loser" and "I think he's wrong on both fronts."

Of course, there were many who also supported Burns with comments like "I just became a Burns fan" and "Dudes from Shreveport that's the way of life there."

Regardless of his intention, Burns photo has certainly earned "viral" distinction as even Fox News has taken notice of all his recent attention.

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