Trend Tide News

Her Husband Eats All The Food She Makes, Leaving Nothing For Her And Her Son

By Bre Avery Zacharski

Her Husband Eats All The Food She Makes, Leaving Nothing For Her And Her Son

This 26-year-old woman's 35-year-old husband is a large man, standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 250 pounds.

She gets that his stature means he needs to consume more calories than she does, so she's worried what she's about to say could come across as a ridiculous concern: her husband eats such an enormous amount of food, and it needs to stop.

She can't stock their home with enough groceries to last for them and their six-year-old son for the whole week, and she's the only person who cooks in their household, so this really weighs on her.

"I carry the full mental weight of planning 5-6 dinners a week. I always intend for there to be leftovers for lunch the next day, but because he eats so much, there never is," she explained.

"For example, this week, I made a 9×13 dish of lasagna intended to serve 12. I figured as a family of 3, this meal should last us at least 2 days (I always take into account that my husband eats 2-3 servings a sitting). My son and I each had our single serving of lasagna, and my husband ate the remaining half of the dish."

"Okay, fine. He said he hadn't eaten much that day and was starving. No problem, I at least had the other half of the dish for leftovers at lunch tomorrow. The next day, I went to the fridge to get leftovers for me and my son's lunch, and my husband had taken the entire 2nd half of the lasagna to work with him to eat for lunch."

On another occasion this week, she cooked chili and cornbread that should have been able to feed 12 people as well, so she knew there would be leftovers for lunch.

But then, she sat there that night, and she and her son had one serving each, yet her husband plowed through four servings for himself.

The following day, her husband arrived home on the early side to have lunch, scrambled up four eggs, and wolfed them down.

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He proceeded to pull all of the leftovers out of the fridge and returned to work with them, once again leaving her and her son with nothing to have for lunch that day.

"I don't want to seem like a [jerk] or that I'm fat shaming or anything like that, but I am seriously irritated that I work so hard to plan and cook good food that will last through the week, and my husband is selfishly eating it all, no matter how much extra food I make," she continued.

She's left wondering how she can address this with her husband without making him feel bad, as he's quite touchy and easy to offend.

She's also not even sure how her husband can consume so much food without making himself sick.

"...I would really like my son and I to have the option of leftovers at home, because my husband forbids us to spend money eating out, and meat and cheese sandwiches get pretty boring fast," she concluded.

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