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Destiny Is Calling as the North Node Enters Pisces and These 3 Zodiac Signs Will See Some Big Career Moves

Destiny Is Calling as the North Node Enters Pisces and These 3 Zodiac Signs Will See Some Big Career Moves

Starting January 11, the North Node of Destiny will enter Pisces, and the South Node of Destiny will move into Virgo.

This shift on the lunar axis focuses on our fate and what we will be focusing on in the next year and a half; the North Node is what we're bringing in and the South Node is the energy we're releasing as we evolve.

The last time the North Node swam through Pisces was from June 23, 2006, to Dec. 18, 2007; it's essential to look back upon the fun that occurred at that moment in time because specific themes will repeat themselves. Think back to these dates and journal how you've grown and what you wish to transcend in the upcoming months ahead.

Keep in mind that the North Node in Pisces allows us to embrace our creativity, be more compassionate, embrace spirituality and connect with our intuition. The journey ahead will bring a vibe shift within ourselves and the world at large that urges us to focus on personal development.

Here's what the North Node of Destiny entering Pisces means for each zodiac sign.

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Consider the next year and a half to be your spiritual awakening, Aries. You might find that aligning with soulful endeavors like meditation, astrology, yoga, or religion is important in evolving your mind and heart. Make sure you study different aspects and elements of each practice to find the right one for you. Doing so will make you feel connected to something bigger than yourself.

Taurus, many members of your squad have come and gone throughout the years, but the truest of peers stay by your side through thick and thin. Although your phone log may not have many numbers, the people who are in your life are the ones who love you dearly and will always support you. You are rich in friendships -- time to appreciate them with tenderness and kindness.

Gemini, you're always doing the workload of two people without complaining about it (since you are the twin star). Now, you are being seen for all the effort that you've been putting into your career by your boss. Use this as momentum to strive to greater heights at the office. Before you know it, you'll lead your own team and hold conferences on the executive floor.

Cancer, adventure and excitement are on your horizon, so update your passport before booking the next trip abroad. Your wanderlust sentiments are pushing you to explore. To harbor the whole experience, research places with your travel companions to ensure you're going away to a city that inspires you. Whether it be Paris, the Maldives, or San Francisco -- enhance your life by seeing the world with open eyes.

Leo, this is a fantastic time to take control of debts that you've incurred over the past months. With the proper direction, you can craft a payment plan or settlement that works for all parties involved. Once you're done paying it off, try not to make the same missteps in the future. Knowing what you are aware of now might change your spending habits for good.

Virgo, even though you are pragmatic regarding matters of the heart and who you commit to, it doesn't mean you aren't prone to daydreaming about the perfect relationship, as we all do. Real love is coming, but it may not look like your imagined fantasy. Do not let fear or past hang-ups stand between you and an amazing person who is an ideal partner for you.

It's time to get active, Libra! Being a Venusian sign means that you can easily get used to sleeping in and luxuriating in bed. While bedrotting can relieve stress, you're not taking charge of the errands on your to-do list, which can create problems. You can have your cake and eat it too by doing both if you organize your calendar and stick to a schedule.

Scorpio, you're finding it easier to make financial and personal investments. Being highly intuitive, you'll use your visions and judgments to hedge bets and gamble against the house. Most importantly, take a chance on yourself. Not only can you build your finances, but you'll be able to heighten your confidence. As a result, you will have the courage to believe in yourself and all you do.

Sagittarius, balance is essential to creating an equilibrium between professional and personal endeavors. Remember this testament and sentiment as you move through the next year and a half. You can thrive in both areas of life with patience and direction with ease. Giving time to your family and home will be just as rewarding as achieving accolades at work. A strong foundation is important for growth.

Sometimes, you can be rigid in your assessments and ideologies because you like to be in line with the status quo. Capricorn, the next 18 months are broadening your perspectives, helping you comprehend and uncover novel thoughts and ideas. Your mind will buzz, allowing you to learn and freshen up your principles to ensure they align with the current times. You're broadening your wings to fly.

The path of transformation that you're on is going to lead you towards self-empowerment soon. The key is to let go of the preconceived notions of yourself and allow yourself to be. You'll find yourself when you least expect it, so don't worry or stress about the timing of the process. Progress doesn't happen overnight, but you're on the right road. You got this, Aquarius!

Pisces, after years of focusing on others and applauding their triumphs, you can finally not stand on the sidelines and craft a meaningful dream. It's your moment to be given attention and praise for your efforts and generosity. Your destiny is to be popular and at the top of your career. You are the one who is prospering and winning in the year and a half.

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