HARTFORD, CT. (WFSB) - Your morning cup of joe could soon cost quite a bit more. The price of coffee beans has increased around 70% in the last year.
For almost 30 years, Dick Portfolio has helped people in Avon start their day at "The Coffee Trade"
"That morning cup of coffee gets you going," said Portfolio.
Portfolio sells 80 different bean varieties at his shop. He bought the place in 1995, and what's happening right now with prices is something he hasn't seen before.
"It's been unbelievable. It's record-setting," said Portfolio.
Portfolio says prices are up around 70% over the last year. He's paying around $1 more per pound.
"Brazil has had a dry season longer than what they normally have, so what's happened is the people in the commodities market are projecting there's going to be a lot less coffee available," said Portfolio
That prediction is causing bean prices to spike, but for now it's just a prediction. Portfolio hasn't raised his prices, yet.
"We just keep a steady price, but with this price increase, if it doesn't go down we will have to raise the prices," said Portfolio. "Will they pay the price? They'll pay the price but maybe not drink as much. They may cut back a little bit. We all do what we have to do when we're in an inflationary period."
The world will know exactly how this harvest season goes by the spring, and that will then determine if coffee prices keep going up.