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Parsons Successfully Conducts First-Of-A-Kind Threat Environment Demonstration

By Parsons Services Company

Parsons Successfully Conducts First-Of-A-Kind Threat Environment Demonstration

CHANTILLY, Va., Dec. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a groundbreaking initiative to enhance U.S. Air Force training operations, Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN), in collaboration with the University of Southern Mississippi, the Mississippi Air National Guard, and SeaTrac Systems, has integrated the company's Threat Representative Environment (TReX) emulator onto a remotely operated SeaTrac Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) during maritime operations. This first-of-its-kind demonstration was conducted off the U.S. Gulf of Mexico in November and establishes a new benchmark for realistic training environments for Air Force pilots and operators.

Parsons' TReX threat emulator is designed to simulate threats that military personnel may encounter during real-world missions. Utilizing advanced algorithms and real-time data, TReX creates dynamic and realistic scenarios that enable operators to develop critical skills in threat assessment, decision-making, and operational response. During the exercise, Parsons combined this high-fidelity simulation with SeaTrac's SP-48 USV, while targeting airborne systems and communicating with the command-and-control center via commercial and non-commercial communication mediums. Because SeaTrac's SP-48 is solar-powered and remotely commanded, the USV can execute missions at sea 24/7 with no harm to humans or the environment and reduces operational costs when compared to manned vessels. This novel milestone helps the U.S. Air Force train as they fight.

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