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Stop! Don't Say This To A Friend Going Through A Bad Breakup

By Shannon Dawson

Stop! Don't Say This To A Friend Going Through A Bad Breakup

Breakups are the worst, and it can be a challenge to offer support and help soothe the emotional wounds of your best friend when they are going through it. If you have a girlfriend who's seriously down from the breakup blues, Suzanne Degges-White, a professor at Northern Illinois University and a relationship expert, says there are some key things you should keep in mind while offering support to your bestie.

Here's what you shouldn't do. Degges-White told Self in an article published Feb. 28, 2024, that you must support your best friend during their tough time rather than kicking them when they're down. First and foremost, it's never helpful to say you knew their ex was "bad news from the start."

Give your friend the space to decide how she wants to handle the breakup on her terms. Ultimately, it's her relationship. Making negative comments about their partner can do more harm than good.

Degges-White explained that if your friend decides to give things another try, the negative things you said about their partner -- like calling them an inconsiderate jerk or an emotionally unavailable child -- could stick with her. This might lead her to second-guess getting back together, even if the original issues have been resolved. Your criticism could cause her to view her partner through a more critical lens, leading to more relationship struggles down the road.

Secondly, sharing your honest opinion about her ex during the breakup could fracture your friendship, Degges-White said. Your friend might hesitate to open up about their love life in the future, which could affect the trust they once had in you.

Offer empathy and support, Degges-White said. Lend your buddy an open ear to discuss their feelings without judgment and ask how you can help make their relationship transition easier. You can plan a self-care day with your girlfriend to help her take her mind off the breakup, or organize a fun dinner outing where you can laugh and enjoy each other's company. Doing so will go a long way in lifting her spirits and helping her to feel supported.

"One of the most impactful things a friend did for me during a tough breakup was show up at my apartment with ice cream and Kit Kats and binge-watch[ed] all the High School Musical movies with me," Jessie H., a 27-year-old woman, told the publication. "It created a happy memory and gave me a break from thinking about my ex."

For Piera V., 35, self-compassion was the best thing her girlfriend could offer when she was going through a bad breakup.

"A friend I've known since college told me that I should give myself grace for not spotting red flags in my relationship," Piera added. "Thinking you should have known better or been smarter isn't fair or helpful. Forgiving myself allowed me to release feelings of shame and judgment."

Have you ever gone through a tough breakup? What are some things your friends did that you were especially grateful for during that challenging time?

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