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Atlanta Driver Narrowly Misses Massive Lightning Strikes 10 Feet Away: 'It's Time To Buy a Lottery Ticket!'

Atlanta Driver Narrowly Misses Massive Lightning Strikes 10 Feet Away: 'It's Time To Buy a Lottery Ticket!'

Most terrifying experiences might be more traumatizing than interesting to share, but some moments in life are just too unforgettable not to talk about. A truck driver in Atlanta experienced such a memorable moment when a massive lightning strike almost hit them on the highway -- which struck three times in a row! A video posted by user lexi_diesels on TikTok reveals just how terrifying nature can be.

The clip starts out with anything but tranquil scenery. A vicious thunderstorm can be seen in the clouds over the Atlanta highway, with flashes of lightning wildly blazing across the night sky. All of a sudden, a bright sparkle comes into view before Lexi's dashcam picks up a gorgeously terrifying streak of lightning touching the ground from the heavens. Some say lightning never strikes the same spot twice, but the video proves that belief wrong, as Mother Nature herself smote the highway three times consecutively. A truck up ahead narrowly avoids Thor's descent before continuing down the highway.

Viewers of the clip were both in awe and horrified at the sight. "3 hits in the same spot. Earth had some intentions for that spot that night πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ," remarks the top comment. "Cannot say lightning doesn't strike the same place twice anymore πŸ˜‚," jokes a second. "SO THATS how potholes are made!!" exclaims a third. Many were amazed at how both the dashcam's driver and the truck driver who almost got zapped appeared unfazed by the stormy ordeal. That, or they stayed composed to avoid a possible highway accident, which is commendable either way.

Redditors were a bit more comedic with their commentary on the Atlanta driver's lucky miss with the lightning strike. "Shocking," quips the top commenter. "Holy Truck!" says the first reply. "🎢 you've been...... THUNDER TRUCKED 🎢" cracks a third. Several users remarked on how lucky and/or scared the driver must have felt. "I hope you took the next exit and bought a lottery ticket," nervously said an individual. "I hope they took the next exit and bought new underwear," another said in response.

Whatever the case, both the driver, OP on TikTok, and whoever else witnessed the wrath and wonder of Mother Nature now have a fantastic story to tell at the dinner table. That, and "It's time to buy a lottery ticket!"

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