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12 Years Ago: Winter Storm Nemo Blasted the State of Maine

By Rob Riccitelli

12 Years Ago: Winter Storm Nemo Blasted the State of Maine

Ah, February 8, 2013 -- the day that all the plows in the state began working around the clock for days here in Maine. This wasn't your run-of-the-mill snowstorm. The Blizzard of 2013, better known as Winter Storm Nemo, dumped a ridiculous amount of snow across the state, shutting down towns, burying cars, and giving us all a crash course in why you should never forget to stock up on the essentials before a major storm.

Let's talk snow totals. On record as one of the biggest storms that has ever hit Maine, Portland clocked in at 31.9 inches and neighboring town Gorham measured 35 inches -- enough snow to make hibernation as a valid choice for many Northern New Englanders. You may remember the wind gusts of over 50 mph, leading to snowdrifts that could have swallowed a small child or at least a Subaru Outback (our unofficial state car).

The storm was so intense it shut down roads, businesses, and even airports. Remember, this is Maine -- we don't close for much. But Nemo basically said, "Hold my beer," and forced Mainers to dig themselves out of what felt like their own personal arctic tundra.

Downtown Portland? Absolutely stunning in that post-apocalyptic winter wonderland kind of way. Streets were eerily quiet except for the occasional snowblower or someone trudging along on snowshoes, with some even cross country skiing through The Old Port.

The snow came down so fast and in such a short time that the center turn lanes on Commercial Street, as seen here, were completely buried under several feet of snow. This made it impossible for vehicles to turn into their intended destinations without having to circle back.

I had a cat at the time, who might as well have been feral. He was a wild one that marched to the beat of his own drum. He loved being outside, it didn't really matter what the weather was. Well, Max disappeared at the beginning of Nemo. Oddly enough, I wasn't too concerned, just knowing how rugged he is. However, towards the end of the storm he hadn't come back, that's when I thought maybe he wasn't as tough as he (and I) thought he was. Don't worry -- the story has a happy ending... Max, sure enough, showed back up at the front steps after Nemo made its way out. Man, if that cat could have talked.

This was Max, sneaking Miller Lites like your old college roommate.

As much of a headache as it was, it was also strangely mesmerizing to watch. But once the storm passed, the endless days of shoveling that followed quickly turned the "winter wonderland" vibe into more of a back-breaking hassle than a beautiful sight.

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