Ultralight, universal C library designed for task management in IoT and embedded applications. It is coded in a single, small header file, making it incredibly easy to integrate into your projects.
Derived from ANTIRTOS C++ classes it will be simplified into C #define based macros. Due to its deterministic nature and static allocation approach from the beginning it is practically fits very small MCUs like ATtiny, STM8.
GitHub: https://github.com/WeSpeakEnglish/ANTIRTOS_C
Let begin from the easiest one: the queues for function pointers without parameters.
This is it! Every task is handled. Interrupts kept blazing fast.
The simplicity matter!
OK, now it is time to involve parameters if we need them to pass to the functions in queue, let define queue for functions with parameters:
Where you want just push the tasks into queues and pass them parameters:
More parameters
Assume you function require more parameters, just wrap them into your structure, for example: